Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fumee d'ambre gris

I was looking at my John Singer Sargent book yesterday and today I decided to do an exercise in white based on his painting Fumee d'ambre gris. It's so many shades of white with a few spots of color. Here is my rough beginning. I've got to get to the movies with my husband now, so I'll work on this more later. This is a large canvas 30" x 48" - It's been so long since I've done a large painting. I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm dying to see how this turned out. I'm already loving it at this stage.

Sargent made amazing things happen with the simplest of strokes, didn't he? I was lucky enough to see his work in Detroit in the late 70s.

Anyway -- very intrigued with this one.